Banana Ink Clothing - Boise, Idaho

In the 25 years that I have lived in Idaho I have seen silly shirts and hats that depict Idaho as total rednecks or nothing more than potato farmers until now. I stumbled upon a company called Banana Ink that has "Creative, Idaho-based apparel for Idaho enthusiasts". I for one am a huge fan of wearing things that show off what I love! This line of clothes and accessories is right up my alley and hopefully you will enjoy it as well!
Banana Ink features my new personal favorite shirt, the Idaho highway sign. I simply cannot get enough of their creative ideas for putting Idaho on the map and on your back. Check out their etsy website to browse and buy! From "Ida-houndstooth" shirts to Idaho Gun belt buckles you can't go wrong representing Idaho in this fresh new way! Like them on Facebook for updates on new products and special offers.


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